Natural Flea & Tick Care

natural flea and tick care


Fleas and ticks are a common problem for dogs and cats, and they can cause a variety of health problems, including skin irritation, anemia, and even death. While there are a number of synthetic flea and tick treatments available, they often come with potential side effects and risks that may cause concern for both pet owners and their furry companions. These concerns have led many pet owners to seek alternative ways to protect their pets from fleas and ticks without compromising their overall well-being. By adopting a holistic approach, we can prioritize our pets' health and safety while effectively combating these pesky parasites.
Border Collies are energetic and active dogs, often spending time outdoors. Their inclination to explore grassy areas and vegetation makes them susceptible to flea and tick infestations. Additionally, their dense coat can make it challenging to detect pests early, increasing health complications risk.
Ragdoll and Siberian cats are known for their beautiful, long fur. However, this luxurious coat can make them particularly attractive to fleas and ticks. Their grooming habits may also facilitate ingesting fleas during self-grooming, which can lead to the development of parasites like tapeworms.
In this article, we will explore the world of natural flea and tick prevention and treatment, focusing on holistic methods that can be employed before resorting to chemical options.

Understanding Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are common external parasites that can pose significant health risks to our beloved pets, including Border Collies, Ragdoll cats, and Siberian cats. Understanding their life cycles and the potential dangers they present is crucial in effectively preventing and treating infestations using holistic methods. Fleas and ticks have distinct life cycles that consist of various stages:


Fleas have a life cycle that includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Adult fleas lay eggs on the host animal, which then fall off into the environment (such as bedding, carpets, or outdoor areas). The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on organic matter and develop into pupae. Pupae eventually transform into adult fleas, ready to jump onto a new host and continue the cycle. Flea infestations can cause various health issues for pets. Flea bites can lead to intense itching and discomfort, resulting in skin irritation, allergies, and secondary bacterial infections. Some pets may develop Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), a hypersensitivity to flea saliva. Additionally, fleas can transmit parasites like tapeworms and infectious diseases such as Bartonellosis (cat scratch disease) and Rickettsia (Rocky Mountain spotted fever).


Ticks have a life cycle consisting of four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. After hatching from eggs, ticks seek a host to feed on. Tick larvae have six legs, while nymphs and adults have eight legs. After feeding on a host's blood, they molt into the next stage. Ticks require a blood meal at each stage to develop and reproduce. Ticks are notorious for transmitting diseases to both animals and humans. Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, is a significant concern associated with tick bites. Other tick-borne diseases include Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These diseases can lead to fever, joint pain, lethargy, anemia, and even organ damage if left untreated.

Holistic prevention methods

Brushing and combing

Regular brushing and combing of your pet's fur not only helps keep their coat clean and healthy. It also allows you to detect any signs of fleas or ticks early on. Use a flea comb with fine teeth to carefully comb through your pet's fur, paying close attention to areas like the neck, behind the ears, and around the tail where fleas and ticks tend to hide. 

Natural deterrents for fleas and ticks

Herbal remedies

Natural herbs like neem, rosemary, and cedar have shown effectiveness in repelling fleas and ticks. These can be used in various forms, such as sprays, powders, or as ingredients in homemade flea collars. 

Flea & Tick spray

Spray your pet thoroughly with Flea&Tick pet sprays such as Vet’s Best herbal spray and Wondercide pet spray through the spring-summer months. For cats, spray onto a brush and then brush onto the fur. It is a natural and safe alternative to chemical-based commercial flea and tick products. Made from plant-based ingredients like essential oils, it acts as a repellent while also providing nourishment to your pet's skin and coat. If fleas or itching is observed, spray every once weekly.

Essential oils

Certain essential oils have been found to possess insect-repellent properties. Examples include lavender, eucalyptus, citronella, and lemongrass oil. However, there’s a lot of misinformation out there about essential oil use with pets. Cat’s liver cannot metabolize essential oils with phenols, ketones, monoterpene hydrocarbons limonene,  These essential oils should not be applied to a cat, or diffused where cats live.  Hydrosols can be sprayed on bedding and around the home for healing and calming, but should not be sprayed on your cat. When you use essential oils, it is essential to dilute the oils properly and consult with a veterinarian to ensure they are safe for your specific pet.

By implementing these holistic prevention methods, you can significantly reduce the chances of fleas and ticks infesting your pet and home. Regular grooming and inspection allow for early detection while maintaining a clean living environment creates an inhospitable environment for pests. Natural deterrents like pet spray provide an additional layer of protection against fleas and ticks. Incorporating these holistic approaches into your pet care routine promotes their overall well-being and minimizes the need for chemical treatments.

Environmental management

FleaGo Powder

FleaGo Powder is safe and effective.  It dries up eggs which are 80% of the flea problem.  

Apply Flea Go Powder on carpets, rugs, and in your car (if your pets ride in it). Also, don’t forget to add FleaGo Powder to the vacuum bags! Repeat every 6 months to prevent flea infestation. Repeat weekly if fleas or itching are observed.

Yard maintenance and landscaping

Keeping your yard well-maintained can help reduce the presence of fleas and ticks in your pet's environment. Consider the following practices

Spray yard, under decks and porches with Vet’s Best yard spray monthly during the spring through autumn months.

      -  Regularly mow the lawn and trim tall grasses where fleas and ticks may hide.

      -  Remove leaf litter, brush piles, and debris that could serve as hiding spots for pests.

 - Create a barrier between your yard and wooded areas using gravel or mulch to reduce tick migration.

- Consider planting flea and tick-repellent plants such as lavender, rosemary, and lemongrass in your garden.


Natural Treatment Options

When it comes to natural treatment options for fleas and ticks, there are some effective methods that can help alleviate infestations and provide relief for your beloved pets. These approaches focus on using herbal remedies and homemade solutions, avoiding the use of harsh chemicals. Let's explore some natural treatment options that can be beneficial for furry friends.

 Herbal Flea and Tick Baths

Choosing suitable herbal ingredients: 

Opt for herbs known for their natural pest-repelling properties. Some popular options include rosemary, lavender, and neem. These herbs not only help repel fleas and ticks but also soothe the skin and promote healing.  It is important to remember that, although eucalyptus is also known to be effective, it is toxic to cats.

To Prepare and apply herbal baths, create a herbal infusion by steeping the chosen herbs in boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool and strain it before bathing your pet. Gently pour the herbal infusion over your pet, ensuring thorough coverage. Massage it into the fur and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Nice Bath Soak With Epsom Salts

Your pet can also benefit from warmed-up bathwater with Epsom salts. The temperature should be approximately 98-104°F or 37-40°. Bathing in Epsom salts has many benefits for our canine/feline companions.  It can help dry itchy skin repair and return to health.  It may also provide pain relief if your pets have arthritis symptoms.  The heat can help loosen inflammatory chemicals in joints and improve nerve function. A warm bath could strengthen the immune system by fighting infection and inflammation with increased body temperature.  

While natural treatment options can be effective, they may not provide immediate results compared to chemical treatments. Consistency and patience are key when using natural methods. Regular grooming, environmental management, and consulting with your veterinarian can further enhance the effectiveness of natural treatments. By incorporating these natural treatment options into your flea and tick care routine, you can provide holistic care for your Border Collie, Ragdoll cat, or Siberian cat, while minimizing the use of harsh chemicals. Remember to observe your pet closely for any adverse reactions and adjust the treatment approach accordingly.


As responsible pet owners, it's essential to be proactive in protecting our pets from fleas and ticks. While chemical treatments may seem convenient, it's worth considering the potential risks they pose. By exploring natural alternatives, you can take a holistic approach that supports your pets' health and reduces their exposure to potentially harmful substances. 

Ultimately, your goal as a pet owner is to ensure the well-being and happiness of your furry friends. By incorporating natural flea and tick care into their routine, you're not only safeguarding them from infestations but also contributing to their overall health. Fleas and ticks can lead to discomfort, itching, and potential health complications, but with holistic care, you can minimize these risks and promote a healthier and happier life for your pets.

Remember to consult with your veterinarian for guidance and professional advice tailored to your pets' specific needs. With proper preventive measures, regular inspections, and the use of natural deterrents, you can effectively protect your Border Collie, Ragdoll cat, or Siberian cat from fleas and ticks. Together, let's embrace holistic approaches that prioritize the well-being of our pets and create a safe and nurturing environment for them to thrive.


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